Set up Google App Engine with Netbeans 7.3

Submitted by Karthikeyan on

1. Install GAE - Netbeans Plugin

Download Google App Engine Netbeans Integration plugin from from the below link

Extract the contents to a folder.

Now open Netbeans IDE and go to Tools -> Plugins

In Downloads Tab, click Add Plugins and browse to the folder which contains the extracted files of the GAE Plugin and import all.

Add new plugin in Netbeans


2.  Register Google App Engine Server in Netbeans

Go to services tab in Netbeans and Right click on servers, click Add..

Netbeans Add Google App Engine Server

Select Google App Engine and proceed next to choose the GAE SDK folder contents.

In the next window if you wish to change the default ports change it else leave it as is.. 

HTTP : 8080 Debug : 8765

Then click Finish.

3.  Start your first Project

Open File -> New Project, under Samples select Google App Engine

Netbeans New GAE Project

Now edit the sample guestbook application as you want.

Build and Run the project..

4. Deploying to Google Cloud

Sign up for Google App Engine using your Google account.

Create new project and note the project ID.

Update the project ID in appengine-web.xml.

Also, add threadsafe false tag.




Right click on the project name and click deploy.. That's all...

Now access your application at World wide web : http://<-your-app-id->


Submitted by Aaina Arora (not verified) on Oct 04, 2016 - 15:55

In reply to by Aaina Arora (not verified)


I was able to solve this error by changing the appengine-web.xml.

Now I am getting this error

Unable to update: Error posting to URL:
403 Forbidden
You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u's~driven-copilot-143702').

Submitted by admin on Oct 04, 2016 - 14:22

In reply to by Aaina Arora (not verified)


Thanks for updating solution.

Submitted by Aaina Arora (not verified) on Oct 04, 2016 - 11:41

In reply to by Piyush (not verified)


To solve it, you would need to run the cmd. Go to start and run cmd.

Navigate to C:\appengine-java-sdk-1.9.17\bin or whichever your appengine location is then type:

appcfg update "C:/path/to/app/directory/"

Submitted by Aaina Arora (not verified) on Oct 04, 2016 - 11:39


I am getting following error

Bad configuration: XML error validating
caused by: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'application'.

Submitted by Piyush (not verified) on May 22, 2015 - 02:11


.Please enter code: Either the access code is invalid or the OAuth token is revoked.Details: invalid_grant

this error is coming after clicking on "Deploy To App Engine" .