Learning Programming language is now became more easy. Here are the some of the sites which provides online, self learning programming tutorials with compiler to practice online.
1. Codecademy
- Javascript
- Python
Web FundamentalsHTML & CSS- Jquery
Code year- PHP
- Ruby
​Codecademy has refreshed with new look and more courses and projects for API & Webservices.
2. Codepupil
3. Team Tree House
- Javascript
4. Try Ruby
- Ruby
5. Ruby Monk
- Ruby
6. Jquery Air
- Jquery
7. Codingbat
- Java
- Python
8. Code School
- This website integrated with many online tutorial sites..Both Free Lessons and advanced paid lessons available.
- Git
- Ruby (tryruby)
- Ruby on Rails
- Jquery
- Coffe script
9. Khan Academy
It has lot of video lectures for other than computer programming. They provide Javascript only as interactive code learning.
- Javascript
10. Code.org
It has some basic code learning for beginners than referes various code learning web sites.
- Basic Code learning for KGs and a promotive directory of code learning sites
Looking some other sites missing such as coursera? we have covered it in another article:
Free Courses & Video Lectures Online - Most useful Websites
JAVA,RUBY Learning websites are nice.